please please please get a life okay?
cos u are have no life, and im terribly sympathetic to ur sad plight.
1. u have no friends? (aww, so sad for you)
2. u still have no TRUE friends? (im seriously sooo sad for you)
3. omg, u seriously HAVE NO TRUE RELIABLE FRIENDS? (u may as well be dead)
4. please, just end ur sad life. it hurts me to see such sad pple trying their best to act happy.
3 more days to FREEDOM !
we have sososososososossosososososso bloody fucking much activities ahead of us!
and im so looking forward to it.
all the movies, the thonnings, the chalets, the scary GHOST movies(winks at Sylvia, Purani, Dyan, Anitha, Valerie, Punitha), the shoppings!, alot of catching up with gheeting,melanie,dajie,rachel,4e4s, and more shoppings, and more shoppings.
im so horny thinking bout it ! ^^
and i hope things between me n Eric would be better, i hope.after my exams, i will me worry-free.
and seriously, to somebody, why haven u change? i tot u would. but u still continues to go on n on n on bout your loserish life and all. please do something bout it la k? nobody likes u, and so wads the point of putting on a brave and happy front? if i were u, i will just shutup. (AND I WILL CHANGE TO BE A BETTER PERSON) ! but why cant u ? sighh. i really want u to change.. from secondary school u are already lidat,den now u still lidat. if u want to make pple like u, or be more accepted, den please change can? can can can?
i swear, im really sad for you, how could anyone be as much as a failure like u are?
i told my mummy bout u . and she asked me to put MYSELF into YOUR shoes,
i told my mummy, "sorry mummy, i NOE i'll never be like her, so i do not have to put myself into her shoes".
seriously, im not a i-love-to-bitch-and-gossip person. neither am i a i-talk-behind-my-friends-back person.
and i do not like you for making me do this now. :( i do not do not like it.
if u have anything to say, tell me, and maybe we can settle things out.
cos seeing u on a route to self-destruction, having no true friends and all, makes me soft-hearted.
i hate to see pple suffer, i want no one, absolutely no one, to suffer. or feel miserable.
i wanna eradicate miseries ! so please k! fufil my wish.
alrite. *i can't wait for my exams to passssss*
it'll be done soon. joei, just hang on.
lotsa pple are rooting for u.
thanks gheeting,eric the humbaobao and zhiwei, mel, xueling for smsing me to hang on.
and xueling darling, we shall thon at melanie's and your house after my exmas! don be sad anymore! no guys is worth ur tears~
XIAOMARK KORKOR is the funniest piece of shit on earth. i love him to the maximum highest max. he made me laugh NON STOP on Friday night. ahahahaha. and been to melanie's house with xueling to watch 9 o'clock show. hahahaha. funfunfun..multiply by 10000 times.
i miss my friends !
Life has become meaningless ever since i've started studying..
darling Kacang & Stripey. sorry for neglecting u dearies. my mummy will be playing with you all.
hugs and kisses. i can feel u all waiting for me to squeeze u all. LOVE U ALL TO THE MAX.
and once again, FATFATcookies signs off.
with her own OWN own favourite quote, TO THE MAX.
(i do not like conflicts!)
my favourite saying : I may be fat, BUT you are ugly, I can diet. hahahaha!
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
- COPYING ME ! if u feel like u are slowly becoming like me, yes, that makes u a loser bcos there can only be ONE winner in this world, which is me. and that makes u a loser.
- ACT PRETTY. no need to act pretty, if you are pretty, means u are. please do not act. act like u very slim, very chio, very girly, ERM, in fact, u are so fucked up.
- ACT POPULAR. hahahaa. thats the NO.1 loser actions of the century man. acting like you are the most popular shits, when in fact, u're not.
- TRY TO BE BITCHY when u are not in the least popular. cmon, get a life, wad else can i say?
- ACT HAPPY. eee. this is so fucked up, acting happy when u have in fact a super sad miserable life. sigh, i feel sad for u losers man.
- WHEN U ARE A FAKE PERSON. man, who doesnt hate hypocrites? who who who, u tell me man.
- WHEN U TRY TO BE IN A GROUP of friends which u previously bitch about. *pukesss* that is so so so *i dunno wad to say bout this* one word, u are a loser.
- FEEL THAT U'VE NO LIFE. cos u mug all day and pretend u have alot of friends. constantly THANKING them in YOUR STUPID BLOG like I DO, just fuck urself, seriously.
- PRETEND TO HAVE MANY FRIENDS. this is one big loser if u do that. cos u noe that u do not. so do not pretend. Quote: "don be pretentious, pple can see throught it"
- WHEN U KEEP COPYING ME !!! aaaaaaaa. stop doing that PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. i do not like replicas of joeis. one is enough to torment pple. PLEASE. a FAKE joei would be so scary . pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee. stop talking like me, stop blogging like me, stop acting like me, stop stop stop stop stoppppppppppppppppppppppppp.
the above TOP 10 LOSER ACTIONS are fiction. do not try to be funny and think its you. i thought of all this since i was sec 3. hurray.
i've got alot of pics in my com. when can i upload them to my blog !!!!!
Sunday, September 17, 2006
i've got a diarrhea, is that how u spell it? cos i've no idea how and im lazy to go to to check. its lao-sai-ing. like runny stools coming out from ur butt. looks disgusting, means ur shit aint solid, blah blah.
and i reckon its bcos of those BBQ food. happens to me everytime.
cos underaged teenagers BBQing = FOOD POISONING AFTER THAT.
FOOD POISONING = no need go to school .
but if my presence in school is needed, of cos i'll go la. ahahah.
i hope exams will end soon, cos i've so much plans for a shopping spree.
and lots and lots of manicures & pedicures.
with super lotsa stay-overs and nights of thonning.
and all the chalets & BBQs.
and all the going out to watch midnight movies.
aah, the thoughts of it are making me horny. bye.
and i reckon its bcos of those BBQ food. happens to me everytime.
cos underaged teenagers BBQing = FOOD POISONING AFTER THAT.
FOOD POISONING = no need go to school .
but if my presence in school is needed, of cos i'll go la. ahahah.
i hope exams will end soon, cos i've so much plans for a shopping spree.
and lots and lots of manicures & pedicures.
with super lotsa stay-overs and nights of thonning.
and all the chalets & BBQs.
and all the going out to watch midnight movies.
aah, the thoughts of it are making me horny. bye.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
back from 2 chalet. happy happy. had a smashing time.
4E4's chalet always rox. i don't know why. maybe cos im present. AHAHAHA. took lotsa pics. like siao lidat.. and kept binging on yummy chicken wings. super nice. the chilli sotong and fish also quite yummy. love it.
Dajie's chalet on the other side is fun too, although i dunno anyone there. but the food there is overwhelming in my face. like phhhosh. SO MANY FOOD kind of thing. so i love it cos of that.
and after dat, me rachel and dajie went for a walk to the beach. and we saw a super touching scene. omg. a guy wanted to confess to a girl he liked and he places light sticks on the floor with the words "I LOVE YOU" and 2 stickmans. 1 stickman was standing up, and the other was kneeling down. OMG. its so uber sweet la. i took pics of it. so will let u all see it when i upload it. that guy is not of our age somemore, hes like probably 20 plus. still so sweet. KNN. i don care, i want this to happen to me as well !! I WANT !!
den we got attacked by millions of mosquitos, or sandflies, cos we scooted around to see wad happens. ahaha. we were cunning asses. we pretended to got lost and ask for directions, (FROM THE GIRL) hahahahaha. cos we wanted to see how she look like ma. so cool rite. ok la, she quite nice. ahahaha. we ARE STRANGERS LOR, LIKE HELLO, why are we so meddlesome.
anyway, den went back to the chalet and took class photo. ahaha. i look not fat for 3 out of 4 pics. so i shall only post the 3 pics. the pic where i look fat will hereby be deleted, kekeke.
and we took ten million pics again. and after that, we took twenty billion pics. and after that, we took 3 zillion pics. and after that later at night, we took 42478328974893272 BRAZILLION pics.
so in short, we took a total of 50 pics altogether. AHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAAHA.
so fun. and we decided to get more chalets in future. but the costs are steep man. to the max.
i know u pple are waiting for pics. i will upload K~ RELAX. kindly wait and see.
i miss 4E4 alot. =( sobsobsob. 4E4................................................................................
4E4's chalet always rox. i don't know why. maybe cos im present. AHAHAHA. took lotsa pics. like siao lidat.. and kept binging on yummy chicken wings. super nice. the chilli sotong and fish also quite yummy. love it.
Dajie's chalet on the other side is fun too, although i dunno anyone there. but the food there is overwhelming in my face. like phhhosh. SO MANY FOOD kind of thing. so i love it cos of that.
and after dat, me rachel and dajie went for a walk to the beach. and we saw a super touching scene. omg. a guy wanted to confess to a girl he liked and he places light sticks on the floor with the words "I LOVE YOU" and 2 stickmans. 1 stickman was standing up, and the other was kneeling down. OMG. its so uber sweet la. i took pics of it. so will let u all see it when i upload it. that guy is not of our age somemore, hes like probably 20 plus. still so sweet. KNN. i don care, i want this to happen to me as well !! I WANT !!
den we got attacked by millions of mosquitos, or sandflies, cos we scooted around to see wad happens. ahaha. we were cunning asses. we pretended to got lost and ask for directions, (FROM THE GIRL) hahahahaha. cos we wanted to see how she look like ma. so cool rite. ok la, she quite nice. ahahaha. we ARE STRANGERS LOR, LIKE HELLO, why are we so meddlesome.
anyway, den went back to the chalet and took class photo. ahaha. i look not fat for 3 out of 4 pics. so i shall only post the 3 pics. the pic where i look fat will hereby be deleted, kekeke.
and we took ten million pics again. and after that, we took twenty billion pics. and after that, we took 3 zillion pics. and after that later at night, we took 42478328974893272 BRAZILLION pics.
so in short, we took a total of 50 pics altogether. AHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAAHA.
so fun. and we decided to get more chalets in future. but the costs are steep man. to the max.
i know u pple are waiting for pics. i will upload K~ RELAX. kindly wait and see.
i miss 4E4 alot. =( sobsobsob. 4E4................................................................................
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
i swear joei, or cookies, have the world's best greatest friends on earth. i promise u that man.
i feel so warm and touched now. i feel so blissful and blessed.
how did i ever get to noe all my great frens? how how how?
i seriously would like to thank u all, *sobsob* for being there for me.
i tot i was all alone, but i was wrong.
thanks melanie & gheeting dearies for motivating me and spending time with me today. i love you all to the max. i really love u all for the things u did for me today. im gonna weep uncontrollably now.
thanks dajie & rachel for being the listening ear and counsellor unconditionally.
and thanks purani & sylvia darlings for making me laugh all day.
thanks sandra waffle sweetie for being the rational being and makin me think rationally, thanks for that, (i swear i needed that post, do another one! but make it nice this time. heehee.).
thanks hoe zhi wei for being very understanding and not calling me.
thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks pple who care. love u all. i swear.
even if ur name is not there and u noe who u are, don ask "eh, why my name not there?"
cos sincere thanks comes from my heart,
and u noe u will be in my heart if u truly care for joei. ^^
aaaah, i feel so fortunate being here in this world.
and i promise to try my best. so i will try. and persevere. and..
never say die.
thanks Kacang & Stripey for their unconditional love for me. i noe u furballs have been there supporting me and trying to act cute to make me happy. thanks for making the effort to make ur fur softer so i feel happier. i love you, hammie dears. i wish we can be together for life. and we will never part. i love you babies.
i feel so warm and touched now. i feel so blissful and blessed.
how did i ever get to noe all my great frens? how how how?
i seriously would like to thank u all, *sobsob* for being there for me.
i tot i was all alone, but i was wrong.
thanks melanie & gheeting dearies for motivating me and spending time with me today. i love you all to the max. i really love u all for the things u did for me today. im gonna weep uncontrollably now.
thanks dajie & rachel for being the listening ear and counsellor unconditionally.
and thanks purani & sylvia darlings for making me laugh all day.
thanks sandra waffle sweetie for being the rational being and makin me think rationally, thanks for that, (i swear i needed that post, do another one! but make it nice this time. heehee.).
thanks hoe zhi wei for being very understanding and not calling me.
thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks pple who care. love u all. i swear.
even if ur name is not there and u noe who u are, don ask "eh, why my name not there?"
cos sincere thanks comes from my heart,
and u noe u will be in my heart if u truly care for joei. ^^
aaaah, i feel so fortunate being here in this world.
and i promise to try my best. so i will try. and persevere. and..
never say die.
thanks Kacang & Stripey for their unconditional love for me. i noe u furballs have been there supporting me and trying to act cute to make me happy. thanks for making the effort to make ur fur softer so i feel happier. i love you, hammie dears. i wish we can be together for life. and we will never part. i love you babies.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
ok all. im fine. really. i promise k i will not find any troubles for her, to save my own ass.
im so envious of gheeting. shes back from Taiwan to see Jay Chou. screams. i noe she bought back lotsa goodies for me. but still, i COULD have gone with her wan lor !! sigh. JAY CHOU!!!! stupid idiot. she claims jay's cuter den me. aaaaaaa.
and i've still not called melanie yet. fuck. i think she will kick my ass the next time she sees me. cos she sms me TWICE to phone her liao. im scared. =(
and im fine. okay? my wounds are healing at a tremendous rate. yay.
im so envious of gheeting. shes back from Taiwan to see Jay Chou. screams. i noe she bought back lotsa goodies for me. but still, i COULD have gone with her wan lor !! sigh. JAY CHOU!!!! stupid idiot. she claims jay's cuter den me. aaaaaaa.
and i've still not called melanie yet. fuck. i think she will kick my ass the next time she sees me. cos she sms me TWICE to phone her liao. im scared. =(
and im fine. okay? my wounds are healing at a tremendous rate. yay.
hahaha! noe wad? im in a terrific mood liao.
and something exciting happened today.
hmm. a few weeks back, when i was on the bus, i saw A BITCH, A BITCH THAT WAS ONCE BEATEN UP BY US. okay, so i saw her. and i tot she was bloody from North Vista Sec. how come she change school ha? shes in Yuying Secondary now. OOOO. muz be expelled from my beloved NVSS la. that motherfuckin slut. sigh, talking bout her makes me think of how pathetic she was, crying and crying like a whore when she was being slapped and kicked. i feel so sad for her. yes yes, she was being slapped, kicked, punched and everything. and cos she tried to act big with me that time in our school toilet. and i was Sec4 at that time! she was only sec 1 ! she tot she can bully me ma. AHAHA.
oh so i saw her. and she gave me a HORRIFIED look. *gasps.
she must be thinking how come this cute girl here look so familar, but fuck, i've offended her before, so im scared cos her frens are all ah lians.
and she bloody hell keep staring at me, so i gave her the finger when she alighted the bus. yea, the finger __ I showed her MY finger.
and i tot it would be a closed chapter of my life. FULLSTOP.
AND, i saw her again today~ woohoo, at Heartland Mall,
SIGH, blame myself la, for my itchy butt, muz purposely alight there to take 136 home.
and pooF! i saw THE BITCH again. this time. she clever liao sia, she board a bus and showed me HER FINGER!! and of cos, i showed her mine too la. *sniggers*
so here im stating, MELODY, u fucking fat slut, watch out u noe.
don need be so guai lan now leh.
later like last time again how?
u sec 2 only leh. please la k?
u noe last time, u also guai lan with me, bring u no good ending rite?
got beaten up and kept weeping like a pig rite?
beg for forgiveness like a retard rite?
ask her to forgive u,
and keep apologising to ME like a cunt somemore.
so please k, think before acting next time.
(oh ya, she spologised more den 50 times in the hope of not getting beaten up, but too bad cos i dowan forgive her, so in the end, she still got beaten up)
don prove to me that u are some big time ah lian or something.
cos u are not.
u only got alot of FATS, which are of no use to the world.
so just shut the bloody fuck up and go suck cock.
and den hor, dat time u got beaten up,
u not SAT KI anymore.
u not AH LIAN anymore.
u not GUAI LAN anymore.
cos u this cowardly slut, i make sure after my exams i chop off ur middle finger ah.
like to show so much.
u think u change school i got no means to kick ur ass ha?
anyway, i think ur father mother going to die soon anytime la. so guai guai be a good girl and go prepare their funeral first k? ^^ and so in the meantime, i shall not disturb u first.
and even after they die, im sure nobody will care bout ur means of survival,
bcos u can feed off ur fats, they might last u ten lifetimes. *wow!*
thats alot of fats!
but still, u will still be as FAT.
and did i mention, she became fatter. AHAHAHAHHAHAHA.
she sec 2 only u noe. MY GOD. i feel like dying. ahahahaha.
shes the ugliest peice of shit on earth, im sure she will be paid only $o.25 PER MONTH if she goes out to work in future as a rubbish collector. i can see that future in her. and be sure to notice, if u see a rubbish collector without a middle finger, u can BE VERY CONFIDENT and ask her, "EH, UGLY BITCH, UR NAME IS MELODY HOR?"
lalalalalalala! ugly ugly fat fat smelly smelly coward coward whorish whore. don act big with me k, don make me say out ur embarrassing story bout us kicking ur ass here. ALRITE?
and remember wad pple told u in the past?
don mess with me.
cos i look like a retard and i look like a good girl,
but don mess me with me.
cos nothing good will come out from ur ass.
-end of the story of THE BITCH-
(sorry, not THE BITCH, is fuckface ugly FAT bitch)
so today, i had a fun time in school, MrChrisLee not here. so got alot of free periods. and ends early. woohoo. and took thousands of pics. will upload here once im free. ^^ heehee.
gheeting came back from Taiwan already, will be meeting her soon.
sorry melanie darling, i promise to call u tonite. ^^ love u. muacks.
P.S: EX-NVSS pple , got any infos bout MELODY, kindly tell me. thanks. love u all. shes in for it AGAIN.
and something exciting happened today.
hmm. a few weeks back, when i was on the bus, i saw A BITCH, A BITCH THAT WAS ONCE BEATEN UP BY US. okay, so i saw her. and i tot she was bloody from North Vista Sec. how come she change school ha? shes in Yuying Secondary now. OOOO. muz be expelled from my beloved NVSS la. that motherfuckin slut. sigh, talking bout her makes me think of how pathetic she was, crying and crying like a whore when she was being slapped and kicked. i feel so sad for her. yes yes, she was being slapped, kicked, punched and everything. and cos she tried to act big with me that time in our school toilet. and i was Sec4 at that time! she was only sec 1 ! she tot she can bully me ma. AHAHA.
oh so i saw her. and she gave me a HORRIFIED look. *gasps.
she must be thinking how come this cute girl here look so familar, but fuck, i've offended her before, so im scared cos her frens are all ah lians.
and she bloody hell keep staring at me, so i gave her the finger when she alighted the bus. yea, the finger __ I showed her MY finger.
and i tot it would be a closed chapter of my life. FULLSTOP.
AND, i saw her again today~ woohoo, at Heartland Mall,
SIGH, blame myself la, for my itchy butt, muz purposely alight there to take 136 home.
and pooF! i saw THE BITCH again. this time. she clever liao sia, she board a bus and showed me HER FINGER!! and of cos, i showed her mine too la. *sniggers*
so here im stating, MELODY, u fucking fat slut, watch out u noe.
don need be so guai lan now leh.
later like last time again how?
u sec 2 only leh. please la k?
u noe last time, u also guai lan with me, bring u no good ending rite?
got beaten up and kept weeping like a pig rite?
beg for forgiveness like a retard rite?
ask her to forgive u,
and keep apologising to ME like a cunt somemore.
so please k, think before acting next time.
(oh ya, she spologised more den 50 times in the hope of not getting beaten up, but too bad cos i dowan forgive her, so in the end, she still got beaten up)
don prove to me that u are some big time ah lian or something.
cos u are not.
u only got alot of FATS, which are of no use to the world.
so just shut the bloody fuck up and go suck cock.
and den hor, dat time u got beaten up,
u not SAT KI anymore.
u not AH LIAN anymore.
u not GUAI LAN anymore.
cos u this cowardly slut, i make sure after my exams i chop off ur middle finger ah.
like to show so much.
u think u change school i got no means to kick ur ass ha?
anyway, i think ur father mother going to die soon anytime la. so guai guai be a good girl and go prepare their funeral first k? ^^ and so in the meantime, i shall not disturb u first.
and even after they die, im sure nobody will care bout ur means of survival,
bcos u can feed off ur fats, they might last u ten lifetimes. *wow!*
thats alot of fats!
but still, u will still be as FAT.
and did i mention, she became fatter. AHAHAHAHHAHAHA.
she sec 2 only u noe. MY GOD. i feel like dying. ahahahaha.
shes the ugliest peice of shit on earth, im sure she will be paid only $o.25 PER MONTH if she goes out to work in future as a rubbish collector. i can see that future in her. and be sure to notice, if u see a rubbish collector without a middle finger, u can BE VERY CONFIDENT and ask her, "EH, UGLY BITCH, UR NAME IS MELODY HOR?"
lalalalalalala! ugly ugly fat fat smelly smelly coward coward whorish whore. don act big with me k, don make me say out ur embarrassing story bout us kicking ur ass here. ALRITE?
and remember wad pple told u in the past?
don mess with me.
cos i look like a retard and i look like a good girl,
but don mess me with me.
cos nothing good will come out from ur ass.
-end of the story of THE BITCH-
(sorry, not THE BITCH, is fuckface ugly FAT bitch)
so today, i had a fun time in school, MrChrisLee not here. so got alot of free periods. and ends early. woohoo. and took thousands of pics. will upload here once im free. ^^ heehee.
gheeting came back from Taiwan already, will be meeting her soon.
sorry melanie darling, i promise to call u tonite. ^^ love u. muacks.
P.S: EX-NVSS pple , got any infos bout MELODY, kindly tell me. thanks. love u all. shes in for it AGAIN.
Monday, September 11, 2006
i would like to thank pple who truly and really care for me. pple who sincerely show their concern and worriness over me. thanks ok. i seriously swear i needed that.
for pple who are fake n hypocritical, fuck u and be dead. its pple like you who are wasting earth's resources, and yes, the world can do better without you. so get a life loser.
cos im the goddess.
you are nothing.
(i shall do a posting on TOP 10 loser actions when i feel better)
for pple who are fake n hypocritical, fuck u and be dead. its pple like you who are wasting earth's resources, and yes, the world can do better without you. so get a life loser.
cos im the goddess.
you are nothing.
(i shall do a posting on TOP 10 loser actions when i feel better)
Sunday, September 10, 2006
i am so so so so so so depressed. sigh.
i wish i wasn't even alive to start with.
in short, life sucks..
i would have jump to my death a long time ago if it wasn't for my hamsters.
and shucks. an addiction in seeing blood from my wrists aint helping me feel better.
Life is a fuckface vagina bitchass motherfucking piece of shit waiting to be fucked in the northpole. yea, thats life. accept that fuckers.
i wish i wasn't even alive to start with.
in short, life sucks..
i would have jump to my death a long time ago if it wasn't for my hamsters.
and shucks. an addiction in seeing blood from my wrists aint helping me feel better.
Life is a fuckface vagina bitchass motherfucking piece of shit waiting to be fucked in the northpole. yea, thats life. accept that fuckers.
life sucks. officially.
someday. i swear i will leave this god-damned place without a trace.
i promise that.
its too much for a little cookies to take.
please let me go and do me a favour and bring me faraway................................
please.................... i need to get outta this place...............
someday. i swear i will leave this god-damned place without a trace.
i promise that.
its too much for a little cookies to take.
please let me go and do me a favour and bring me faraway................................
please.................... i need to get outta this place...............
Saturday, September 09, 2006
im super happy n thrilled.
because. KNNBCCB. AAAA. screams.
i have got my very own...........
damn neat ! aaaa! *orgasms till joei is dead.*
OMG. a hi-fi system. YAY! now i can blast music till im deaf in my own room. woohoo.
cos my dad, my mummy n me went to a PHILIPS CARNIVAL today. the deals there are super affordable. u all should go. ^^ we got a whole lots of electrical appliances. heehee. like a BRAND NEW toaster, iron, some clock radios or wadever, MY HI-FI system!, fruit blender, etc. etc.
tomoro(Sunday) would be the last day. so catch it while it lasts. i repeat, the deals there are fabulously splendid. please go there. please. its so so so much cheaper. (i know cos me n my dad went to Courts after that to compare prices. AND WOAH! huge differences in prices, but we still got our PHILIPS thingy. yay!)
and i hereby conclude that, i love my parents dearly. but then again, i think they are weird. first my dad ask me, "Girl ah, wad u want just tell us okay."
so i replied, "OMG DADDY, i so want the 10 kinds of different hair styling machine. its so cool la. last time $69, now $49 only! i want it, i want to curl my hair sometimes! please daddy i love it to the max."
he said, "siao ah, tat wan destroy ur hair only la girl."
i den tried again "OMG, i want an electronic toothbrush cos i feel it will make me smile nicer."
he said " wad for? i don think it helps lor. bullshit."
i was like, (to myself) , sigh. u said u will buy me anything i want wan okay!!!!!!!!
den we walked past the audio system place. when he saw the hi-fi system,
he said, "girl ah, do u need it?"
(took a look at it) . and said, "hmm quite nice man. the colour and all. and WAH. so affordable."
he told the salesperson, "gimme one of it please."
WAH LAO EH. wad i REALLY want, he dowan gimme. den i DON REALY need this hi-fi thingy, he bought it soooo sooo willingly. but den, im happy cos ITS A HI-FI SYSTEM. ^^
ahahahahaa. but i still love him la. hes so nice. and of cos, my mummy paid for it.
oh ya, i watch the movie THE HOST already. please do not watch it. cos its so dumb. its so sad that the story plot is so sad. its just a cruel deranged stupid mutated monster eating pple up. so dumb. but, had an enjoyable time la.
okay piccies time.

my darling dearie baby Micro HI-FI system!!! woohoo!!!

random picture of a toaster we got today. ahahhaa.

ME n POOREENEE. only I, and only I can call her that. get it clear n right.

now im awake! im sooo adorable pple~

and now im asleep. and still as cute as ever.

sometimes, i dislike myself for taking pics like that, but STILL.

this is much better, im sure.

and i love this.
so im happy.and oh ya, my mummy is so sweet. she bought new food(damn expensive la!) for my hammie dearies, and a new wheel for my Stripey. cos hes growing out of it. ^^
IM SO IN A NICE MOOD !! throw a party now!
**oh ya, i promise gheeting i will blog about something. that left us traumatised. i will soon. if i have the courage. ahahaha.
because. KNNBCCB. AAAA. screams.
i have got my very own...........
damn neat ! aaaa! *orgasms till joei is dead.*
OMG. a hi-fi system. YAY! now i can blast music till im deaf in my own room. woohoo.
cos my dad, my mummy n me went to a PHILIPS CARNIVAL today. the deals there are super affordable. u all should go. ^^ we got a whole lots of electrical appliances. heehee. like a BRAND NEW toaster, iron, some clock radios or wadever, MY HI-FI system!, fruit blender, etc. etc.
tomoro(Sunday) would be the last day. so catch it while it lasts. i repeat, the deals there are fabulously splendid. please go there. please. its so so so much cheaper. (i know cos me n my dad went to Courts after that to compare prices. AND WOAH! huge differences in prices, but we still got our PHILIPS thingy. yay!)
and i hereby conclude that, i love my parents dearly. but then again, i think they are weird. first my dad ask me, "Girl ah, wad u want just tell us okay."
so i replied, "OMG DADDY, i so want the 10 kinds of different hair styling machine. its so cool la. last time $69, now $49 only! i want it, i want to curl my hair sometimes! please daddy i love it to the max."
he said, "siao ah, tat wan destroy ur hair only la girl."
i den tried again "OMG, i want an electronic toothbrush cos i feel it will make me smile nicer."
he said " wad for? i don think it helps lor. bullshit."
i was like, (to myself) , sigh. u said u will buy me anything i want wan okay!!!!!!!!
den we walked past the audio system place. when he saw the hi-fi system,
he said, "girl ah, do u need it?"
(took a look at it) . and said, "hmm quite nice man. the colour and all. and WAH. so affordable."
he told the salesperson, "gimme one of it please."
WAH LAO EH. wad i REALLY want, he dowan gimme. den i DON REALY need this hi-fi thingy, he bought it soooo sooo willingly. but den, im happy cos ITS A HI-FI SYSTEM. ^^
ahahahahaa. but i still love him la. hes so nice. and of cos, my mummy paid for it.
oh ya, i watch the movie THE HOST already. please do not watch it. cos its so dumb. its so sad that the story plot is so sad. its just a cruel deranged stupid mutated monster eating pple up. so dumb. but, had an enjoyable time la.
okay piccies time.

my darling dearie baby Micro HI-FI system!!! woohoo!!!

random picture of a toaster we got today. ahahhaa.

ME n POOREENEE. only I, and only I can call her that. get it clear n right.

now im awake! im sooo adorable pple~

and now im asleep. and still as cute as ever.

sometimes, i dislike myself for taking pics like that, but STILL.

this is much better, im sure.

and i love this.
so im happy.and oh ya, my mummy is so sweet. she bought new food(damn expensive la!) for my hammie dearies, and a new wheel for my Stripey. cos hes growing out of it. ^^
IM SO IN A NICE MOOD !! throw a party now!
**oh ya, i promise gheeting i will blog about something. that left us traumatised. i will soon. if i have the courage. ahahaha.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
im back to my blogging world. but first, i so need to clarify something.
Joel from my secondary school says i look like XIAXUE, gasps! i so DO NOT look like her. and nadira once said i blog like her. NONONONO. im no her. no similarities. FULLSTOP. no more discussions.
i feel like im neglecting my dear hammies. lemme do an entry on my babies. ^^ love u Kacang & Stripey darling.
i noe i've not let u pple see my Stripey baby before. lemme let u see him. hes super adorable.

say hi! say hi! say hi!

Kacang darling~

my cutie Stripey. aaaaaa. sooo cute.

darling Kacang resting on her wheelie.

both my babies. so cute.

darling girl grabbing my finger REFUSING to let go. ^^

heehee. squeeze squishy dearie.

my moomoo cow. given by my favourite pple. ^^ yay. my bday prezzie.

my darling boyboy who wanna marry me when hes older. AHAHAHA. im a pedophile.

my collection of my shoes. when i was clearing the shoe cabinet. ^^

and lastly, me n Syl's pic in school .
i love my hammies !! LOVELOVELOVE them. alot. to the max. and everything. cos they are soooo super uber cuddly and soft. i love u kacang n stripey! muacks!
Joel from my secondary school says i look like XIAXUE, gasps! i so DO NOT look like her. and nadira once said i blog like her. NONONONO. im no her. no similarities. FULLSTOP. no more discussions.
i feel like im neglecting my dear hammies. lemme do an entry on my babies. ^^ love u Kacang & Stripey darling.
i noe i've not let u pple see my Stripey baby before. lemme let u see him. hes super adorable.

say hi! say hi! say hi!

Kacang darling~

my cutie Stripey. aaaaaa. sooo cute.

darling Kacang resting on her wheelie.

both my babies. so cute.

darling girl grabbing my finger REFUSING to let go. ^^

heehee. squeeze squishy dearie.

my moomoo cow. given by my favourite pple. ^^ yay. my bday prezzie.

my darling boyboy who wanna marry me when hes older. AHAHAHA. im a pedophile.

my collection of my shoes. when i was clearing the shoe cabinet. ^^

and lastly, me n Syl's pic in school .
i love my hammies !! LOVELOVELOVE them. alot. to the max. and everything. cos they are soooo super uber cuddly and soft. i love u kacang n stripey! muacks!
Saturday, September 02, 2006
pictures, as i promised.

Seoul Garden

Seoul Garden

my sisters ~ Priz & Jas

THE mans. Guojie & Zimmy

my girls ! in Kbox.

Me, dajie n Jean in toilet.

which goes in firsT?

a hungry slut in kbox.

me & dajie

hahahaha. i like this.

inside photo taking machines.

the process.

EMO ! yay !

look at my assy face.

supper at .. Hougang mall.
and now, the next day. went to town with my dajie. to get slippers. oh fuck, forget to take pics of all the things i bought. a golden belt, slippers, a super mini skirt,lipgloss and lots more of small small things la. and oh ya, i got a small webby cammy too from zhiwei. hurray!

when we first met.

yummy yummy.

double yums.

ooo., hungry?

hahaha. Harvey Norman.

in Bugis lift. =)

at Suntec City's fountain of wealth. cos we no money. so need get some wealth. we walked round there 3 times. hahahaha.

our new lipgloss. ^^ from SASA.

and to top off my good moood. my French manicure.

in some Dim sum restaurant for dinner.

OMG. just look at my Water Dragon Dumpling. yummmm.
and the next day, when i went for SPCA volunteering. so fun!!

me n my black chicken soupie. yum. im sooo greedy, i finished dat whole thing up. big spoon, i mean ladle, and big bowl. whahahaha.
and... lastly. my act-cute pic with bro.

Seoul Garden

Seoul Garden

my sisters ~ Priz & Jas

THE mans. Guojie & Zimmy

my girls ! in Kbox.

Me, dajie n Jean in toilet.

which goes in firsT?

a hungry slut in kbox.

me & dajie

hahahaha. i like this.

inside photo taking machines.

the process.

EMO ! yay !

look at my assy face.

supper at .. Hougang mall.
and now, the next day. went to town with my dajie. to get slippers. oh fuck, forget to take pics of all the things i bought. a golden belt, slippers, a super mini skirt,lipgloss and lots more of small small things la. and oh ya, i got a small webby cammy too from zhiwei. hurray!

when we first met.

yummy yummy.

double yums.

ooo., hungry?

hahaha. Harvey Norman.

in Bugis lift. =)

at Suntec City's fountain of wealth. cos we no money. so need get some wealth. we walked round there 3 times. hahahaha.

our new lipgloss. ^^ from SASA.

and to top off my good moood. my French manicure.

in some Dim sum restaurant for dinner.

OMG. just look at my Water Dragon Dumpling. yummmm.
and the next day, when i went for SPCA volunteering. so fun!!

me n my black chicken soupie. yum. im sooo greedy, i finished dat whole thing up. big spoon, i mean ladle, and big bowl. whahahaha.
and... lastly. my act-cute pic with bro.

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