Monday, November 03, 2008

okay so its GP and SEA hist done, next week's paper will stress me out so badly, i might as well go commit suicide and end my bloody sorrows now. why is it that time seems to pass so fast yet so slowly?! :( okay so just let me calm down.....

and fuck, i hate it when i've like only 2 hours sleep daily.
thats like, very disgusting.

i shall be a no-lifer for now,
see ya all.

i like the song CRUSH by David Archuleta or something, very nice. and Can I have This Dance from High School Musical. i'm also into the Jay's latest song, the title is like 5 chinese words i dunno what is it, but it goes something like are you tired, what happening to our happiness something along that line. very emofied and nice. (and thats the only song i've heard so far...) so i need to get all the songs asap, and gheeting if u see this, and if u happen to have the songs(i know you surely do haha), send it to me please.

Okay, and I've watched HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 3!
wooohooo! i shall watch it continuously !!!!!!! :D
Such a nice nice show with nice nice song.

okay byebye.

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