Tuesday, May 15, 2007

in school now.
have not done GPP yet!
*so stressed!*

must eat more Tau Kay Noi liao!

a little something to share..

You, more than others, truly gain satisfaction from eating. And because of this, you sometimes have difficulty slowing down or just saying no. You enjoy eating and what's great about that is you understand how to appreciate certain aspects of food that others do not. You see food as more than just a source of nutrition or energy. For you, dining, or just plain eating, can be a really enjoyable experience. On the downside, however, you might sometimes indulge too much in the satisfaction you get from eating.

HAHA. so true hor. from tickle.com
im so gay.
i can't believe i do such tests.

im feeling rather __________ lately.
i dunno why the sudden _________ too .
its just a feeling of _________ .

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