Monday, June 30, 2008

Back from my weekend with Elvin Si, coool ! I've not seen him in 2 weeks, and the next thing I know is... he looks like a monk. And because of his sorethroat, his voice is totally different. So... its very strange but I feel like I spent my weekend with someone new. (I am just joking). I love Elvin !

I'm like some loser now lor. You know, those kind that, "yay! 4 more days to go!". Omg. Now I understand how it feels to be actually counting down days.

Oh well, 2 years is the longest time ever. I hate the Sunday feeling of him booking in. Then the Monday and Tuesday will be very disgusting. Then Wednesday will be like neutral. Thursday will have the "1 more day to seeing my darling!" feeling. And Friday will be like happyness! Then Saturday more happpy !!!!! And the next thing you know, NABEH! Sunday night again. KNN kinda thing. And the whole process will continue....................... for 2 blooody motherfucking cheebye years......................................................... That means (4 weeksx12months)=48weeks x 2years of feeling that Sunday feeling..................................................................................Oh no! I am sooooo miserable.


Sleepy. Bye.

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