Thursday, July 26, 2007

Thursday, one of the most dreary day of the week,
school ends soooooo bloody late.
BUT, it was a fun day today, :)
and PE was surprisingly fun, hahaha.
enjoyed it totally.

had KFC with the girls, talking bout our Bartley past.
:( seems like just yesterday.
reminiscing the past in KFC is sex.

anyway, my brother just told me Eric called him,
and he sounded kinda sad. hmm, don't be sad.
we can always go clubbing together! yay!

I'm very tired lately,
no strength at all.
each time i board a bus or train, i ZZZ all the way.
im so affected by my sleepiness.
i didnt use to be like that.

zhiwei says "ever since u start to club, i've never heard u mention bout ur hamsters again.."
i love KAcang&Stripey okay.
and forever!
I love them and I will die if they do not exist.
*kisskiss my hammies*

OMG, the custom made nails i received from Shugar is fucking nice, costs bout $70-80+ if i were to purchase it myself, cos theres alot of diamonds and glitters, yay to blingblings. AAA. and because im a winner, i'll be getting a goodie bag worth $500 of nail products.
and i'll be invited to their opening ceremony,
(got free food, drinks, nail products)
anyone wanna 'gian peng gian sai' with me?
dajie? rachel? gheeting? mel? syl? purani? anyone?

happyhappyhappy! :)

YES! DXO tomoro!
and DOUBLE O on Sat!

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