Sunday, March 23, 2008

I shall blog about how we should get over a broken-heart as soon as possible, the results may vary, some people may take like a week to get over somebody, whereas some may take like UP TO FUCKING 2 YEARS OR MORE! Okay, I shall not get too emotional here. Anyway, these rules are important, VERY important if you really wanna forget someone.

Lets start.

Rule#1: CEASE CONTACT WITH THAT PERSON. When I say cease contact, it means NO sms-ing, msn-ing, calling, friendster COMMENTS, no looking, nothing at all. No exceptions. No excuses at all like "He ask me for ______, so I tell him lor". For me personally, there is no such things as friends after a relationship(well, its just MY opinion. Please don't correct me). Because "If 2 person remains as friends after the relationship, either they are still in love, or they never were.." Makes sense right? Well, to me at least.

Rule#2: DON'T LOOK AT ANTHING THAT REMINDS YOU OF THAT PERSON. Yes, don't look at it, if you're strong enough, THROW IT AWAY! But I know girls are losers who are not strong and therefore will not throw those so-called PAST MEMORIES away, so I suggest you all keep them all. Lock them in some boxes or cupboard and DO NOT LOOK AT IT. Never ever attempt to look at it, and try to pretend theres some sweet memories left for you to hold on to.

Rule#3: DON'T LIVE IN DENIAL!!!!! Please do not ever have that little hope that he still loves you, or he is actually only taking a short break from our relationship or whatever. Because if he loves you truly, he wouldn't be outting you through all these unnecessary miseries. If he is having an affair, DO NOT insist on thinking he is just using her to SPITE you. Yes, the person he is having an affair with is UGLY, always UGLY. But still, do not have any hopes. PLEASE. Thanks.

Rule#4: DO NOT BLAME YOURSELF! Do not say things like, "Actually, its not his fault.. Its mine... I didn't treat him nicely and I fooled around.. I am the one at fault so its not his fault that he left me...." NOOOOOO! It is never our fault okay, it is the guy's fault they don't wanna cherish us, so please NEVER blame it on yourself. If he loves you, he wouldn't blame you for anything you do. REALLLLYYY.

Rule#5: DON'T GO TO ANYWHERE ALONE(TRY NOT TO)..especially Vivocity. Hahahah sorry (inside joke). Don't try to go anywhere and emo on your own. It is not good and it wouldn't help in getting over that motherfucker. It hurts going to places you both been to before, I know that.... So, solution is. don't go to these places ALONE.

Rule#6: LISTEN TO YOUR FRIENDS. Your true friend would be always ON your side. They would go, "Oh look how UN-hot he is, he is not hot!!! Move onnnnn!! " or something like that la. Hahahaha. So must listen to them. I moved on because I listened to my friends all the time. :) Your friends will always be there for you no matter what. So, allow your friends to stay by you and bitch about that loser together with you. HEEHEE.

Rule#7: Do not blame couples. It is not their fault that you both don't work out. Don't go "YUCKS, look at how sweet they are, it grosses me out".

Rule#8: Read more sad love quotes, it works all the time. For me, at least.

Rule#9: DO NOT STALK HIS FRIENDSTER OR ANYTHING ELSE. If he decides to be a loser and leave you, do not bother doing any of these for him. He is not worth the attention. He is a loser and you shouldn't care who he is dating anymore. Move on, sweetie.

Rule#10: NEVER FIND SUBSTITUTES. Do not find one just to SPITE him, do not MAKE USE of guys, and do not VENT your frustrations on the next poor innocent guys. Cos it will only make you look back and regret on your own actions sooner or later. It is not these guys fault that you and the loser didn't work out. So, give these guys a chance at least. You can choose not to put in your 100%, but just don't treat these guys badly.

Rule#11: The world has about other million of guys out there, he is not the only sweet/nice/hot one. Never give up a tree for a forest(hahahaa). Sometimes in life, we gotta see who is actually worth it and who is not. And cos Purani once told me in Year 1 that any guy who makes you cry is not worth your time. And I always believe that anyone who truly loves you wouldn't allow you to be feeling sad and miserable. EVER. And when you lie in bed at night crying over that person, do you ever realise there is actually someone else lying on their bed cying over you as well?

SIGH, this is reality. We always love the ones that hurt us, and hurt the ones that love us.
:( Sad sad fact that we gotta accept as well.

ANYWAY, I talk so much also no use. HAHAHAA, I spent 2 years trying to get over someone!!!! I am a fucking loser, and looking back, I really really regretted not trusting guys ever again since then. Hmmm. Okay I am so tired. BYEEEEE.

*Above are all based on my own opinions. You don't have to agree with me. Please understand that, thanks. However, my friends would understand this perfectly well though, ahahaha.

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